Program Schedule

Monday, 13.06.2016
10.00 Registration open – Institute of Paleobiology PAS

          after 15.00 – Museum of Evolution PAS
17.00 Welcome reception – Museum of Evolution PAS

Tuesday, 14.06.2016 (Museum of Evolution PAS)
9.30 Opening
10.00–10.45 Michał Jakubowicz: Very similar, but very different: ecology of Palaeozoic hydrocarbon seep communities (keynote lecture)
10.45–11.00 Coffee break

Session 1. Conveners: Steffen Kiel and Marco Taviani
11.00–11.30 Krzysztof Hryniewicz: Ataviaconcha—a Middle Palaeozoic seep-specialized bivalve?
11.30–12.00 Andrzej Kaim: Early Mesozoic seeps and the advent of modern seep faunas
12.00–12.30 Jamie A. Brezina: Hydrocarbon seeps in the Western Interior Seaway, USA (student talk)
12.30–14.30 Lunch break

Session 2. Conveners: Kazutaka Amano and Robert G. Jenkins
14.30–15.00 Crispin T.S. Little: Boreal Mesozoic seep communities
15.00–15.30 Aaron W. Hunter: A bizarre stalked crinoid from cold methane seeps in the Upper Cretaceous (Campanian) Pierre Shale, South Dakota, USA
15.30–16.00 Moe Kato: The low stable carbon isotope ratio of echinoderm skeletons in hydrocarbon seep: effects of food sources, or ambient water? (student talk)
16.00–16.15 Coffee break

Session 3. Conveners: Magdalena N. Georgieva and Crispin T.S. Little
16.15–16.45 Marco Taviani: Living in the crowd: Lucinoma beds in the Pliocene to present Mediterranean Sea
16.45–17.15 Yusuke Miyajima: Miocene to Pleistocene hydrocarbon seeps from the Japan Sea region—faunas, carbonate textures, and origins of hydrocarbons (student talk)

Wednesday, 15.06.2016 (Institute of Paleobiology PAS)
10.00–10.45 Steffen Kiel: The sulfate hypothesis and other emerging patterns in the evolution of methane-seep faunas (keynote lecture)
10.45–11.00 Coffee break

Session 4. Conveners: J. Kirk Cochran and Neil H. Landman
11.00–11.30 Maciej Bojanowski: IRMS vs. ion microprobe C and O isotope measurements of Oligocene cold seep carbonates from the Outer Carpathians: how much information can be lost by analyzing bulk rock samples?
11.30–12.00 Krzysztof Hryniewicz: Paleocene hydrocarbon seep carbonates and asso ciated fauna from Paleocene of Spitsbergen, Svalbard
12.00–12.30 Robert G. Jenkins: Chemosynthetic communities on reptile dead-falls in modern and Cretaceous seas
12.30–14.00 Lunch break

Session 5. Conveners: Maria A. Bitner and Krzysztof Hryniewicz
14.00–14.30 Aaron W. Hunter: Opalised crinoid communities from the Bulldog Shale, Eromanga Basin, South Australia
14.30–15.00 Kazutaka Amano: Paleocene wood-fall communities from eastern Hokkaido
15.00–16.00 Coffee break

Poster session. Conveners: Maciej Bojanowski and Andrzej Kaim
16.00 Flash talks (in front of the respective poster max. 3 min. + 3 min. discussion/questions):
P1: Magdalena N. Georgieva: Mineralisation of polychaete worm tubes at modern hydrothermal vents: implications for a 430 million-year-old hydrothermal vent community
P2: Maria A. Bitner: Non-dimerelloid brachiopods in ancient hydrocarbon seeps
P3: Steffen Kiel: A Late Miocene methane-seep fauna from Kalimantan, Indonesia
P4: Neil H. Landman: Methane seeps as ammonite habitats in the Western Interior Seaway (North America)
P5: Jone Naujokaityte: Isotope and faunal composition of cold-methane seep deposits from the Upper Cretaceous Pierre Shale, South Dakota
P6: Tyler Levitsky: Methane cold seeps as Late Cretaceous refugia
P7: Steffen Kiel: Predation scars on chemosymbiotic bivalves: a new tool to infer sulfide tolerances of seep inhabitants in the geologic record

Break 15 min.


P8: Kristian P. Saether, Crispin T.S. Little, and Kathleen A. Campbell: Current state of taxonomic study into Miocene New Zealand hydrocarbon seeps
P9: Fiona Gill: Are stable isotopic signatures for chemosymbiosis preserved in shell- bound organic matter?
P10: Daijiro Hagehashi: Evaluation of early diagenetic influence on nitrogen isotopes within fossil amino acids: Towards estimation of ancient food webs
P11: Michał Jakubowicz: On the use of Nd isotopes in studies of seep and vent carbonates: prospects, limitations and challenges
P12: Robert G. Jenkins: Distribution of microbial and invertebrate fossils on a plesiosaurid carcass
P13: Aaron W. Hunter: “Caught in the act”; possible starfish predation on plesiosaur (Elasmosaurus: Plesiosauroidea) carcasses from the Upper Cretaceous of Hokkaido, Japan
P14: Yuma Yamamoto: Cretaceous wood-falls and their degradation processes: examples from Yezo Group in Hokkaido, Japan

Thursday, 16.06.2016
10.00 General discussions and business meeting of book contributors (all invited) – Institute of Paleobiology PAS. Conveners: J. Kirk Cochran, Andrzej Kaim, Neil H. Landman
16.30 Public lecture by Crispin T.S. Little – the Museum of Evolution
19.00–22.00 Workshop dinner – Restauracja Chmielna, ul. Chmielna 132/134

Friday, 17.06.2016 – Excursion to Owadów Quarry (guided by B. Błażejowski)
8.00 Departure from the Institute of Paleobiology PAS
10.00–10.30 Exhibition of fossils in the quarry office
10.30–14.00 Guided tour in the quarry
14.00 Lunch in the local restaurant
15.00 Departure to Warsaw
17.00 Arrival to the Institute of Paleobiology PAS